Study Visually! in classrooms

Friends! here I  show you the way how I learn in the school,Anyone can draw with their limited skills and try to remember the lessons , notes and question answers.Any one can learn this way ,What you just need to do is remember a picture, object (that you see in daily life) and try to draw it in simple ways.These images stay for longer time in your mind.(90% of the information received by our brain is visual !)

Hope you all enjoy it and make best use of your skills.Lets make education fun this way(please we actually need to!)

Please share your comments below (let me help you )
(The images may not be very clear.Sorry)

Click on the following images to zoom

I started maintaining a separate book called B.O.D

(Book Of Diagrams) in order to prepare notes visually all together.

# 1.This is from my economics notes on Bio Pest Control.

# 2. Business Studies : On N.A.B.A.R.D.

# 3.This is from my Business Studies notes :Equity Shares.

# 4.Economics notes: E-Banking benefits to consumers.

# 5. Economics notes : (E-Business limitations).

# 6.Business Studies : Business to business transactions.

# 7.Business Studies : How to start a business.

# 8.Business Studies : Consumer to consumer transactions.

# 9.Business Studies : Features of non-cooperative society.

# 10.Business Studies : Benefits of E-Business.

# 11. Businss Studies : Features of Government Company.

# 12. Business Studies : Merits of commercial paper.

Being a Commerce student my sketch-notes contain only Commerce related subjects (most of it is theory).You can use this method (draw!) in any subject from science to math (The more clarity you have in the subject, the faster and better you will be able to create them.)

To plunge into the best websites for learning visual-note taking 
please visit:
this website is by Kathy where she has collected the best of the web resources for making you better in studies and creative works, Situations ,etc.
(Seriously its awesome resource !)
