My story of thinking in PICTURES

creative boy 
From my small age  I  loved to open things and understand what’s there inside them and see what is inside them that makes them work differently.

It is said “an officer cannot row a Boat like a Boat man" and that is what exactly happened to me in the classroom .I started to involve myself in all sorts of creative works and competitions that my school would conduct or look for solutions to daily life problems that I would face. This made me more and more creative and forced my brain start thinking of solutions practically and coming up with different ideas visually .

creative activities

But slowly I realized something different again! I noticed that I was not able to pay attention continuously in a classroom and understand almost anything in subjects like math.


I started to ponder around this and analyse that why I am not able to do so. I started writing down what was missing in myself that prevented me from performing well in academics. I realized that I was unable to enjoy the process (“if you fall in love with the process the results will follow").  

inspiration quote

Soon I started struggling even to understand basic concepts in the classroom .For what people took 15 minutes to solve I would take more than one and half hours!

volume surface area

Now I really got serious I started praying to God, analyzing and understanding and then realized that many times to explain things I would draw the structure and the diagram to explain the people .This idea work very well as my friends could see the image rather than depending on the text .I sometimes used this same method in my previous classes to write a notes fast or connect an analogy which would come into my mind which is similar to that concept.


 So I started train to myself to draw representing every sentence or a set of information onto a picture and drawing it in my rough notebook and connecting all the parts to a single mega picture.

                          creativity in classroom

When it came to a question answer I collected the main points of the answer and converted each of the point into a picture combine all of them into a mega picture.

visual note taking
                                                                                                  click on the images to zoom
visual thinking

I found it so interesting! I was able to remember the picture and was able to convert my academics into fun.

As it was something what I loved all my life!

Soon I started Googling on the web trying to find more people like me and I was so happy and so shocked to find people like me !This technique it was called sketch noting. People used this method to take down notes during meetings to understand things and to make the meeting content packed with fun, creativity and information. So therefore I started taking down my class notes also in form of small Doodles and pictures. Soon I could gather courage to approach my loving teachers and share this technique with them. The best part was that even though none of them were used to this technique or even knew much about it, all of them encouraged me. Soon this technique was noticed by all of my classmates (especially by the so called ‘weak students’).

fun classroom

Most of the weak students started approaching me to ask and take help for  question and answers in various subjects like Business Studies, Economics and sometimes even concepts in subjects like Accounts to them through pictures( most of the toppers in my class too loved this method and encouraged me a lot but were more used to the usual method ).

It was then when I realized that all are different and all need to learn in their own different ways.

 I started researching and spending more time on the internet started coming to know something called theory of multiple intelligence which was proposed by  Paul Gardner in the  history .He too said that there exist multiple intelligence among different people and so the people need to be taught  or they take in the  knowledge through their particular method.

It was then that I realized there was some need for me to help people/students in school. I decided to help students like me realize that they're not losers if they couldn't score well in the exams they could easily convert their passion into the academic learning sessions and make them creative and interesting too.

I started experimenting on this method more and more trying to optimize it and make it more convenient and easily learn able for all the people with whom I would get in contact I started writing on behind my book all the mistakes which I would make how I could improve upon them.

So immediately when I left for holidays from my hostel I felt like starting something like a blog where I would share  methods and techniques with all the students and help them to get better in studies and various works in life.


This method was actually very famous among many businesses various countries but I noticed that none of them actually concentrated on the schooling part of it. I felt that why not create a website all a blog where I could be of some help to students like us.

 Love all Serve All.
Thank you for reading.


To plunge into the best websites for learning visual-note taking 
please visit:
this website is by Kathy where she has collected the best of the web resources for making you better in studies and creative works, Situations ,etc.
(Seriously its awesome resource !)

